Cosmopolitic society and universal republic


Wednesday, 16 November 2005.


The Earth’s situation is rapidly getting worse. Human species risks self-destruction. The three fundamental crisis factors are violence, poverty and integralism. To do violence to someone means to use force and deception to force people to do what they don’t want to do. Violence is material and spiritual. It’s not just war and terrorism but also bad faith and illusion. To impoverish means to take wealth away and to exploit. Three quarters of the planet’s population have been impoverished with legal tender currencies, disparity of natural resources and wealth concentration. Integralism means imposition of an ideology, not just religious, but also in society, politics, economic and justice. Whatever origin it has, integralism is never a solution to the problems of the majority of the people but a hegemony instrument of a minority. It’s always and only an excuse.

This mix of violence, poverty and integralism is destroying humanity and the planet. There are the conditions. The chemical, biologic and nuclear weapons available are more than sufficient in order to make the whole planet explode. The limitedness of natural resources and energy worsens the nations’ domestic and foreign conflicts. The apathy, the indifference, the ignorance and the fear of the people allow those who own weapons, resources and wealth to commit uncontrollable actions. The inhibitory and dissuasive strategy of the second half of the 20th century based on the balance of the possible retort is almost ineffective. Anything could happen in an instant. Then, the disaster. If not the end.

Even if the situation is so exceptional that it requires the establishment of an authority above any other for a certain time, the solution isn’t centralism or dictatorship and neither empire. Centralism is a kind of government that centralises the power of the state’s bodies. No national state, however powerful it is, can be authoritative enough to play as an arbiter. Dictatorship is a kind of authoritative government that centralises the power in just one body or in just one person. No one can obtain this authority. The empire is a whole of countries undergoing the authority of one of them. No country can have the authority to impose its will to all the other countries of the world. In fact, a world empire has never existed.

In the past, the imperial authority concept, as supreme universal guarantee of peace and justice in relation to the natural human inclination to look for happiness but not to be able to pursue it in a collective way due to deep routed vices like avidity and envy, would have justified, according to Dante Alighieri (Convivio, IV, IV), the existence of a universal politic authority, that would have been opportunely indicated by God in the roman empire and in the kinds rising from that antique authority, as a unique path towards the peoples’ happiness. But Dante had a mystic and not metaphysic view of reality. Anyway, history has established that power can’t rise from a divine right but from a contract between governed and governors.

The international treaties, agreements and organisations of the states have turned out not to be up to face the situation, both because they’ve never gained legitimacy from the peoples, and because they undergo the hegemony of the states with more power. Plus, in order to avoid having to stay within the bounds of international law, it’s sufficient that a state won’t agree a treaty or an agreement, as it happened with the Kyoto Protocol and the International Criminal Court Chart.

The only means able to face this situation which seems to be almost irreversible is the universal republic, a planet government with the power to make the law be enforced in all the states and their peoples.

Emmanuel Kant (Perpetual peace) had suggested the establishment of a republic made up of all the states, a worldwide federal republic, as institution necessary to guarantee peace and freedom on the entire planet. The idea wasn’t accepted for the same reason why Kant had proposed it: the states don’t want to pass their sovereignty on to a sort of super-state. The Nations Society and the United Nations are distorted applications of this idea. These bodies haven’t been established to pass the states sovereignty to a collective body but to allow the most powerful states to impose themselves on the others under the «cover» of an international organisation. Essentially, the private law principle providing that an action is more or less legitimate depending on the extent law provides it, has been changed applying it to public law. The result is that the United nations are not anymore a «super partes» political instrument but a juridical means to be used to justify political decisions of interest for some parts. When this means imposes a political decision, all they have to do is not to adopt it. And when it refuses to cover, they act unilaterally. How many United nations Security Council resolutions haven’t been implemented in Israel? And how many political actions have the United States of America accomplished without the Security Council’s consent?

In our cosmopolitic society, one must have the boldness and clearness of mind to point out and propose, without unrealistic ambitions but with determination, the most advanced solution, in communication with the conscience and reason of humanity in its whole. But the initiative can’t start from the states. This possibility rises from who realises what the situation is and has the ideas and means to propose it. It can be proposed with an act of force without violence and strengthened by a constructive rebellion process the great majority of the planet’s inhabitants shall take part to.

The universal republic shall be a government directly elected by the inhabitants of the earth, because only a world government representing all the inhabitants of the planet can be appointed the mandate and maximum authoritativeness with the obligation to use power in order to avoid the use of weapons, redistribute resources and wealth equally, make the conflicts cease and establish peace in the interest of the whole humanity.

The solution could be the Republic of the Earth, a democratic government system of the planet’s inhabitants and of their groups to live in peace in the best possible way. Not a government of the state but a government of the people. A government without state, without territory and without material goods. A government system made of an assembly formed by one representative every ten million inhabitants directly elected every four years by the inhabitants themselves and made up of twelve governors elected for six years by the assembly, which chooses the president among them.

The Republic of the Earth was founded the 1st of January 2001, at the beginning of the third millennium of the popular era. Its Constitution establishes the principles and modalities to accomplish them. The Constitution Dispositions of performance provide the election of the international assembly within three months from when at least one hundred and twenty million people will have taken part to the Republic of the Earth and that until that moment the running and coordination of the Republic of the Earth will be up to a Committee of the Representatives made up of two hundred people designated by the adherents that result as having obtained the highest number of designations at the end of each solar trimester.

An international assembly election trial was made in February 2005 through the Internet but the Electoral committee didn’t validate the results because during the proceedings some WEB knots were interrupted for a few days. In any case, the authoritativeness of that assembly would have been limited anyway because it didn’t represent the majority of the inhabitants of the planet.

Now what’s next is to spread universally this idea and make the citizens of all countries take part in the Republic of the Earth. What’s needed in order to obtain this result is a circular kind of communication, a revolving kind, by mouth of word. Each new adherent becomes promoter and commits himself to make three people adhere. The message is simple: know, think, and communicate to change the world. With this method and this message, each adherent feels active part and author of a process addressed to his own personal interest but that can only be achieved together with others, which therefore have to be acquainted of the idea.

Through this communication, the inhabitants of each country can adhere to the Republic of the Earth in just twenty progressive stages: 1, 3, 6, 12 etc. Due to the fact each stage requires a couple of weeks time, the Republic of the Earth will be able to be completed in a few months. Only then it will be possible to proceed with the election of an international assembly and of a world government provided with the authority necessary to face the planet’s situation.


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