HOLOS GLOBAL SYSTEM ALGORYTHM According to the science of complex systems,
the biosphere, humanity included, is in a critical situation (chaos,
out of control) that will become irreversible within a few years. The no-return
term is foreseen to be 2012. But, since such a changing process wouldn’t take
place in less than two years, this term must be anticipated to 2010. If things
don’t start changing within this date we can only expect that, after two years
of further worsening (2011 and 2012), a sudden catastrophe will take humanity
and its environment (the biosphere) from stable unbalance (chaos) to stable
equilibrium (crystallization), risking extinction. The Holos Global System
was launched in 2001 to avoid this situation. It’s a plan of concrete solutions
and initiatives to be carried out on the whole planet. The plan proposes to
remedy rapidly to the most urgent problems of humanity and its environment and
at the same time to remove the structural causes the problems stem from. The plan faces problems regarding energy, water, food,
health, knowledge, social communication, production, national economies, new
enterprises, employment, investments, durable goods, services, environment, financing
of real economy, productive savings, allocation and distribution of wealth,
corporate relations, capitalization of existing enterprises, international
payments, real time information, personal security, circulation and transports,
bank services costs, war industry conversion, pure and applied research, reform
of human relations and behaviors, real democracy, currency and death causes.
The same plan provides the transformation of the hierarchical and selective
structure of the human system in a conarchical structure. One of the initiatives from the Holos
Global System plan is the Republic of the Earth, a
government system elected directly by all the inhabitants of the planet at
least sixteen years old, to allow every human being to live in peace in the
best possible way. The Republic of the Earth isn’t a state or a whole of states
but a universal republic meant as government system of the whole human
community. Another initiative of the Holos Global System is Dhana,
the real value currency issued on behalf of workers. Dhura, a body established by the
Republic of the Earth, issues Dhana. Each Dhana is guaranteed by capitals of
enterprises for a nominal value equal to one gram of fine platinum and
represents one hour of normal work, i.e. the work necessary to produce goods
and services to be exchanged with Dhana. Dhana is issued as physical, electronic and
telecommunication currency. Dhana in physical currency is issued in metal and
non-falsifiable tickets. Electronic Dhana is used by means of the Gandhana,
an electronic cash till allowing transferring and receiving Dhana.
Telecommunication Dhana is managed by the Akadhana
system and the multi-currency system Kiberpay.
Dhana is divided in one thousand Kanadhana and issued in 1, 5, 10, 50 and 100
Dhana and also 1, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 250 and 500 Kanadhana denominations. Each at least sixteen year old inhabitant of the
planet is assigned 100 Dhana for just the issue cost reimbursement, different
for each country proportionally to the average yield per-capita, or against the
express undertaking to perform once or in more times within five years, one
hour of normal work upon request by Dhura or others on its behalf. No more
Dhana will be issued
exceeding 100 per each assignee, made exception for a 5% to be addressed
exclusively to humanitarian initiatives, special one thousand Dhana tickets
have been issued for these purposes. 378 billion Dhana have been issued until today. The
last issue took place on March
the 18th 2007. The 378 billion Dhana required an
increase in guarantee until March the 6th 2008, when the quotation
of Platinum reached 48.4689907005892 EUR (72.2164137217332
USD) per gram. Since that date, notwithstanding the reduction of the price of
Platinum, the guarantees have remained unchanged and on October the 21st
corresponded to 2.613123573077 grams of Platinum per one Dhana and a total of
18,299 billions (24,553 billion USD). So, while the nominal value of Dhana has
remained 1 Dhana per gram of Platinum, its real value is (as of October the 21st
2008) one Dhana per approximately 2.6 grams of Platinum. As the Republic of the Earth has been constituted to
make all the inhabitants of the Earth take place to a really democratic
government system, Dhana was issued to redistribute wealth among all the
inhabitants of the planet. This is why it’s assigned to them in equal parts. On July
2008, more than 6.7 billion people where living on Earth,
70.7 per cent (more than 4.7 billions) where at least sixteen years old. The
wealth produced worldwide in 2007 was, in its national currencies, par to about
54,715 billion dollars of the United States (US dollars) while, considering the
purchasing power parity (PPP) of the different countries, it was of about
65,723 billion international PPP dollars. The average per-capita yield was
8,155 US dollars, par to 9,796 international PPP dollars. In 133
countries, where three quarters (5 million people) of the
inhabitants of the planet live, the per-capita yield was lower than the world’s
average, 3,806 international PPP dollars, in spite of a high rate of 2.11
international PPP dollars per one US dollar. The concentration of wealth and the consequent poverty
of the majority of the inhabitants of the planet (not only in the poorest
countries but also in the most developed ones) is effect of the systematic
exploitation of labor and the fundamental means to carry out the exploitation
of labor is legal tender currency. Those who issue and own this currency,
almost devoid of any real value (if not it wouldn’t require legal tender),
exerts its hegemony on finance, economy and therefore on production and work.
This hegemony allows controlling natural resources, markets, states,
governments, information and military forces. With legal tender currency, few thousands
of people control the whole of the world and its inhabitants. The adoption of Dhana as currency of the real economy instead of legal tender currency upsets the situation and causes the immediate
redistribution of wealth among all the inhabitants of the planet. That doesn’t
mean to have solved all the problems and all the injustice but allows to remedy
to one of the most macroscopic effects of the hierarchical and selective
structure of the human system: the unjust distribution of wealth. Taking part to the Republic of the Earth and spreading
Dhana on the planet take place through a method as simple as effective: from
word of mouth, by local interaction. Those wanting to take part to the Republic
of the Earth and receive 1000 Dhana find other two people willing to take part
to the Republic of the Earth and receive 100 Dhana and constitute a new group
of three people with them. This way the diffusion is very fast: 1, 3, 7, 15, 31,
63, 127, 255, 511, 1,023, 2,047, 4,095, 8,191, 16,383, 32,767, 65,535, 131,071,
262,143, 524,287, 1,048,575. In 18 steps the amount of participants will
overcome one million. Then, 2,097,151, 4,194,303, 8,388,607, 16,777,215,
33,554,431, 67,108,863, 134,217,727. In another 7 steps the amount will exceed
100 million people. At last 268,435,455, 536,870,911, 1,073,741,823,
2,147,483,647, 4,294,967,295. 4 million people can take part to a fusion in 30
steps where each person forms a group of three people. If we suppose that each
step takes a week, in 30 weeks (less than eight months), the process is
completed. As the spreading takes place country per country (238
countries), in 18 weeks (something more than four months) the
participants will be more than 200 billion and in 25 weeks (less than six
months) more than 3 billions. In another two months the process would be
complete. The effects of the participation to the Republic of
the Earth and the adoption of Dhana are enormous. For the first time in history
all the inhabitants of the planet feel really together and elect directly their
world government. Candidates can run for elections spontaneously or be
indicated by other participants to the Republic of the Earth. There are no
designations from the top. Absolute electoral equality of conditions is assured
to every candidate. The government of the Republic of the Earth, by being
elected this way, will have the maximum authority to establish peace and
justice on the planet. Also the effects
of Dhana are enormous. Considering the real value of Dhana (1
Dhana = 2.6 grams of fine platinum) compared to the purchase power, with the
adoption of Dhana the average
per-capita yield on the planet doubles and in the poorest
countries increases up to 39/50 times. This way, the consumption of the poorest
population increases and consequently the production of goods and services to
satisfy essential needs. By increasing production also employment increases. We said can’t be issued in amounts higher than 100
Dhana per each inhabitant at least sixteen years old except a 5% to be
addressed exclusively to humanitarian initiatives. This implies the continuous
and progressive increase of the value of Dhana and of its purchasing power
because, as it’s known, increasing production (goods and services) and
exchanges without increasing currency the latter will increase in value. At a
certain moment, owing to the issuing limit, the value of Dhana will be so high
that the Kanadhana, the thousandth of Dhana, will become the basic monetary
unit and, probably, the denomination worth one centime of Kanadhana will become
necessary. But the issuing limit also means Dhana can only be
assigned once to each person (100 Dhana each). So, Dhana must be employed in an
intelligent way: there won’t be a second chance. It is therefore recommended to
employ Dhana up to one third for consumption and the rest for productive
investments and savings. The total amount of the PPP Dhana assigned is equal to
about 70,373 billion international PPP dollars. Employing one third (about
23,000 billion dollars PPA) for consumption, the world per capita wealth
produced will go in one year (between 2009 and 2010) from 65,722 billion to
more than 88,500 billion PPP dollars, marking an increase by 35%. Changing all values in PPP Dhana and considering the
purchasing power of one Dhana equal to about 148 PPP dollars
(70,373,392,858,692, value as of today in PPP dollars of the PPP Dhana
assigned, divided by 474,483,811,373, nominal value of the issued Dhana), if in
2007 the per-capita world wealth produced was 66 PPP Dhana (9,796 PPP dollars),
during the first year after the completion of the diffusion of Dhana, assigning
one third the Dhana assigned to consumption, the per-capita average wealth will
increase of 23.6 PPP Dhana and will be 89.6 PPP Dhana, with a 35% increase, as
already said. If one third the Dhana assigned will be addressed to
production, production means will increase by 158 billion Dhana (one third the
474,4 billion Dhana assigned), equal to about 23 thousand billion PPP dollars,
which could produce goods and services yearly for 11 thousand billion PPP
dollars. Furthermore, converting (with guarantee) the Dhana kept as savings
(the last third remained, 158 billion Dhana), the value of investments in
production means and, therefore of the goods and services produced can be
doubled. At last, out of 474.4 billion assigned Dhana, 23.7
billion Dhana can be issued for humanitarian initiatives, for an equivalent
value of 3,500 billion PPP dollars (23,7 billion Dhana per 148 PPP dollars each
Dhana), par to 5.3% the world’s wealth produced in 2007. These Dhana are
divided per each country in inverse relation to the per-capita average wealth
(more to those who have less) made exceptions for exceptional events requiring
morally just interventions set aside the wealth of the country undergoing the
event. Now, this is the meaning of the Holos Global System
plan and particularly the Republic of the Earth and Dhana. The extreme effort
to face what isn’t yet irreversible to prevent it will become so. But we have
very little time. It must be done quickly. It must be done straight away.
Together we can. |